Short Intro About Leopard Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard is Apple's next operating system after Tiger i.e. 10.4 that was launched more than two years ago. Apple claims that there are more than 300 differences on Tiger and Leopard, while not earth-shattering, further streamline the experience of using a Mac . Now the very next question comes to your mind would be, "Is Leopard worth paying what Apple has set his price to?" For some of you it maybe not, because you are contented with the way Tiger works for you. If you are looking for Time Machine , you need a Leopard, if you need Bootcamp, even then you must have Leopard. Leopard makes it far easier to find documents and applications than Windows Vista . The recently launched Spotlight is just impressing. Leopard's interface niceties made the daily mechanics of using the computer more pleasurable. Mundane chores, such as finding files and backing up data, become a visual treat (See our photo gallery of screenshots .) Mac OS X...