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Showing posts with the label Microsoft User Data.

How to hide MUD (Microsoft User Data) folder

Be it MUD folder or other folders, you can hide them using the following command provided you are registered as a Developer. Some applications like MS Office, Final Cut X etc create their own user data folder inside your Documents folder, which at times is irritating. Here are the steps that you have to follow in order to hide the folder. This command has to be executed in Terminal: SetFile -P -a V "~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/" Now once it is hidden all the apps which require those folders or files in those folders will be able to access it, it just that it is hidden. You can replace the path of the folder from what is mentioned above. If you want to see that folder back in your Documents folder, try following command in Terminal: SetFile -P -a v "~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/" This command works well, but the only drawback with this application is that it needs you to be a developer to use this. For any query / suggestion, Tweet on http:/...


DATABASE LOST IN ENTOURAGE You might complain that his profile is lost in Entourage & gets a prompt to create a new account. In this case you need to: 1. Quit Entourage. 2. Search folder "Microsoft User Data" 3. Go to Hard Drive. 4. Select users account. 5. Open Documents. 6. Now drag the folder "Microsoft User Data" to "Documents". Once done, you needs to relaunch Entourage and it should work fine. .


Ever tried to find where is your data stored on a Mac? Each component of Entourage like rules, mailing lists, signatures, messages, address book, schedules, contacts, tasks, notes, calendar are located in a so called database under your identity: Try to locate 'Main' folder. Your Identity is named 'Main' by default. In Entourage 2008 this folder would be in /Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/your identity. In Entourage 2004 this folder would be in /Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2004 Identities/your identity. In Entourage X this folder would be in /Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office X Identities/your identity. Old to Blogs? Become a master