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Showing posts with the label FONT ISSUE


How to remove duplicate fonts causing issue in any application Remove font files from all Mac OS X fontfolders, except the System/Library/Fonts folder. Move font files from the Fonts folders in the Users, Library, and Network folders to the desktop or other location, and restart the computer. If the problem doesn't recur, the problem is caused by one or more of the font files you moved. Replace font files a few at a time to determine which font is causing the problem. (For example, replace font files that start with A-E to the System/Library/Fonts folder, and then restart the computer. If the problem doesn't recur, add another small group of font files. If the problem does recur, one of the font files you just added may be the cause: Remove the font files, and add them back one at a time, restarting the computer each time until you find the particular font file that causes the problem.) When you find the font file that causes the problem, reinstall the font from the origin...


How to fix font issues due to duplicate font files In this step will go in three different locations and try to find if there is any duplicate font there. 1. The first step is to create a folder on the desktop and name it as Duplicate Fonts. 2. In the Finder, open the following fonts folders: - Hard disk\System\Library\Fonts - Hard disk\Users\User_name\Library\Fonts 3. Drag any duplicate font files that you find into the Duplicate Fonts folder that you have created. Now restart your computer to make sure that the issue is resolved. If the issue still persists, follow the next step.


How to fix the corrupted font cache In order to remove the corrupted cache font follow the steps mentioned below: 1. Open the following folder: Hard disk > Users > Username > Library > Preferences > Microsoft. 2. If you are working on Office 2004, drag the Office Font Cache (11) to the trash. Now launch Word to make sure whether the problem is resolved. If it is then it is really good, otherwise follow the next post.


How to fix font issues in MS-Office When you try to launch any MS-Office suite program or open a document for any of those program, a splash screen may appear, but then the program closes unexpectedly. This could happen if there is a damaged or an unsupported font in one of the Fonts folders on your computer. When a Microsoft Office 2004/2008 program starts, the program will try to read and to create an optimized list of the fonts available in the OS X. If the program finds a damaged font, the program may close unexpectedly. The following conditions can cause this problem to occur, once you identify it, you can follow upcoming posts to fix it: Duplicate font files. Corrupted Font Cache file. Corrupted font files and folders. In next few posts we will talk about fixing all the issues seperately. While any troubleshooting do not try to change any font folders that you find in the Mac OS X System folder.


Fonts not to be deleted in Entourage As we all know that there are certain fonts that are required in order to run each application. Microsoft Office 2004 is exactly same, at the time of installation it creates a folder and keeps all the fonts in it. They are 77 in numbers and are placed in the following folder: Home/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Fonts Note : There are several other font folders the system calls on in addition to the user's font folder. For more on OS X and the font folder hierarchy, see this Apple Knowledge Base article . Fonts in OS X are complex. You need to understand how they work before experimenting with them (and in any case, leave the System font folder – Harddrive/System/Library/Fonts – alone!). Source As this applications install fonts, without regard to yoy already have on your Mac(not to speak o...


PROBLEM IN TURNING THE MACHINE UP (for 10.3 and older only) The worst thing you could ever experience in a computer is not turning up. No matter how many times you do a hard boot but the result is same. If the machine is Mac, there could be variations in error notification. Most of the time it is a simple issue that you could fix after going through this article. IDENTIFYING THE SYMPTOMS There can be empty blue screen with a spinning wheel (the progress indicator in Mac). A " Prohibitory sign " appears or " Kernel panic error " is mentioned on the screen. Blank gray screen without any text could appear. No notification , but machine doesn't turns up. There can be empty blue screen with a spinning wheel (the progress indicator in Mac). I am mentioning 5 simple steps that you can try and hope it will work for you, but if in any case it doesn't works then try the last few steps that are slightly critical but I know you will easily do it because you can't ...