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Showing posts with the label Safari

How To: Delete Cache in Safari - Only Cache

So, if you already know about Safari, you might be knowing how to Reset Safari and probably that's how you delete the cache while troubleshooting. Right? Well, lets learn beyond this. Let the Helpdesk do Reset Safari for deleting Cache. Today we will cover the advance and more accurate ways that will just delete the Cache and not touch anything else. Let's begin: Launch Safari Go to Safari Menu > Preferences Under Advanced tab you will see a check box for Show Develop in menu bar Close this and go to Develop menu and select Empty Cache - you are done. Let me know if you need screenshot for this post :) If you want to take this Cache deleting thing to the next level, I have more to show you. Navigate to this location:  /Users/Library/Cache/com.Apple.Safari/Cache.db This Cache.db file should be trashed and there would not be any cache left over. Relaunch Safari and it will create a new Cache.db file. Drop a line if you are interested in learing more about handling Cache on Mac...

Blog It for Safari

'Blog It' is a wonderful feature of TypePad that makes it easy to quickly post articles, photos, video, and more to your blog. Blog It for Safari is an extension for the latest version of Safari 5 (and would not work on older versions) that puts the power of Blog It right in your browser’s toolbar. Just click the Blog It button, customize your post, and publish. To try it out, first you need to update your Safari to the latest version and then simply get this extension . Once you donwload it, double-click to install, and you’re done. If you don’t already have a TypePad blog, you can create an account right from within Blog It. Safari 5 is not the end, for you, they also have support for other browsers, they also offer a Google Chrome extension and a bookmarklet .


While trying to save settings in IE it does not saves it Sometimes when you make changes in your Internet Explorer and when you restart the machine next time it resumes old settings and you find that your settings are gone. The solution is very simple, find the .plist file saved in the library and delete it. Now launch IE all over and then try to make changes as soon as the application is launched. This is one of the most annoying act of IE while working on a Mac and I suggest using Safari or the choice of webmasters... Firefox.


How to connect to FTP using Safari Ever thought while working on an important project what will happen if your Interarchy or any other FTP application stops working? Now if you have Tiger or later version you can use your Safari to connect to FTP and transfer files without dedicated FTP client. The step is very simple, all you have to do is type the details of the FTP site as below and hit return/enter key. The format is , by using this trick you can get your project moving on till you IT guy comes to fix the FTP client issue. SFTP might create issue while connecting, FTP is recommended.