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Showing posts with the label MS Office

Creating MS Office Package & Updates

  Hello Composer Lovers! :) So lets see how is it done using Composer or any other tool for that matter. The major steps remain same in all packaging tools, its just the post install work that might change a little bit. However, if you get stuck with any other tool like Packager, PackageMaker, Luggage or  AutoPKG, feel free to write back to me. Steps would sound same as in FileWave, just few of the things will change. Install the required version Install the available MS updates Locate all the files mentioned below In Composer, click on New and take a blank snapshot or do via Monitor FileSystem Changes Delete everything that got captured Drag & drop the Files and Folders mentioned below in Composer Item 15 should be sent to /tmp/ Add a Post Install script to run the installer from /tmp/ -  Volumes/Microsoft Office 2011/Office Installer/Contents/Packages/ g. See the inline for hint. ​  ​<sudo> installer -pkg /tmp/Office2011_en_dock....

Troubleshooting: Reply / Forward Button not Responding in Outlook 2011

When you click new message, reply, or forward in Outlook for Mac 2011, nothing happens. Following is the recommended solution from Microsoft. Not all of them will work for you, in my case I had to go all the way to step #5 to make it work and I did not follow step #3 i.e. to validate fonts.  Step 1: Reinstall Safari  To reinstall Safari, contact Apple support: Safari is a browser installed on your computer. If the browser is not working correctly, Outlook will not function. Therefore, you need to reinstall your browser. You can reinstall Safari browser on your own but if you for any reason can't, contact Apple support. To reinstall Safari, visit  Apple Safari  web site, enter your email address and click Download Now. Follow directions on your screen, then open .dmg file.    Step 2: Download and install the latest Apple software update Click the Apple menu, and then select  Software Update . The Softwar...

How to hide MUD (Microsoft User Data) folder

Be it MUD folder or other folders, you can hide them using the following command provided you are registered as a Developer. Some applications like MS Office, Final Cut X etc create their own user data folder inside your Documents folder, which at times is irritating. Here are the steps that you have to follow in order to hide the folder. This command has to be executed in Terminal: SetFile -P -a V "~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/" Now once it is hidden all the apps which require those folders or files in those folders will be able to access it, it just that it is hidden. You can replace the path of the folder from what is mentioned above. If you want to see that folder back in your Documents folder, try following command in Terminal: SetFile -P -a v "~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/" This command works well, but the only drawback with this application is that it needs you to be a developer to use this. For any query / suggestion, Tweet on http:/...

Office for Mac 2011 – Announced by Microsoft

Microsoft provided the most extensive look yet into the next version of the Mac version of its popular Office suite on Thursday at Macworld 2010 . The new product, Microsoft Office for Mac 2011, will arrive in time for the 2010 holiday season. Macworld spoke with several representatives of the company’s MacBusiness Unit, who told us the company is focusing on three things with this new release: better compatibility across platforms, improved collaboration tools, and a more refined user interface. Also, as Microsoft announced last August , the suite will include Outlook for Mac, which replaces Entourage as Office’s Email client. And, in keeping with Microsoft’s 2008 promise, the new version of Office will offer renewed support for Visual Basic , which was dropped in the 2008 version of the productivity suite. The new version of Office will incorporate document-collaboration features that take advantage of Microsoft's online storage features. With Office for Mac 2011, Mac...

Office for Mac files not showing in Spotlight

This problem might happen with any MS Office file. Some of the Mac users noticed that many of my Excel documents were not indexed as part of the Spotlight database; Spotlight search results for obviously-known content was coming up empty. The reason for this invisibility was that I still had Microsoft Office 2004 installed (some of the users keep this for macro compatibility), and when this happens, the old PowerPC version of Microsoft Office.mdimporter still sits in your ~/Library/Spotlight folder. Many mdworker console messages were indicating that only a PowerPC importer plug-in was found , thus many Office documents weren't getting indexed. The solution to this is to trash the PowerPC version of this file, and trash the /.Spotlight-V100 file, which forced a total re-indexing. The system then used the Intel version of the Spotlight importer, and all my Office documents are once again indexed.


How to recover text from a damaged document in MS-Office Launch MS Word in Mac OS X. In the Word menu, click on Preferences . Now under Authoring and Proofing Tools , select General . Please don't forget that the Confirm conversion at Open check box is selected, then OK . Click Open on the Standard toolbar. On the Enable pop-up menu, you need to click Recover Text from Any File . Open the document and its done. This is no trick, Microsoft has given this option if any of the file gets corrupted.