Last week I came across this problem and deleting the default keychain did not fix it but somehow could not devot much time to fix it. As the solution was not available on Google, I thought to post it here. The error was: Microsoft Lync wants to use Please enter the keychain password prompt appeared. Unfortunately I forgot to take the screenshot of the error message but it somehow looks like the regular keychain popup window.
Worst thing about this error was that Keychain login screen was not accepting any password that I could think of, even though it was the correct one, which actually made it a strange issue for the people who are into the world of Troubleshooting Mac OS.
So lets have a look at Root Cause and then at the Fix.
The Cause:
Microsoft Lync creates a keychain file to store encryption keys. The file is physically stored in /Users/username/Library/Keychains and is named something similar to This keychain will show at the left column list where you see login and system keychains. Noteworthy thing about this is that it would not have any link with the Login Keychain or login credentials. I don't like saying this but at times something happens to this keychain from working properly and once you remove this, Lync will create a new one for itself. When it does, it saves a Randomized password in /Users/LaeeqHumam/Library/Preferences/ folder.
Lets take a deeper dive in this:
If you have NOT checked the Save Password option on Lync Login window - The keychain & OC_KeyContainer__username@company.compassword under Login keychain are generated when Lync connects to the server. Later on when the Lync quits, this keychain and application password entry are removed automatically. On relaunch, a it will automatically create a new keychain and application password entry in the user’s login keychain.
If you have checked the Save Password option on Lync Login window - and this entry does not exists, the keychain and OC_KeyContainer__username@company.compassword entry in the user’s login keychain will get generated when Lync connects to the server. An MS Lync password entry is also created in the user’s login keychain if is is not already there. When you quit Lync, the keychain and application password entry persist and are not automatically deleted.
The Fix:
Delete this Keychain entry, thats it!
Currently as I am writing this post on a Virtual Machine so could not capture screenshots but soon as I get time, I would grab the key snaps to make the topic more clear.