This post is going to be very helpful for the users who don’t have Time Machine and cannot backup data or user accounts on regular basis. For such users, its hard time in case they have to migrate the data on a new drive. Although there are many options available, but this is the simplest ever and would take just few steps to do it (though it might take hours depending on the data you are taking backup of). We are going to perform this with the help of Disk Utility.
So lets start:
Go to Disk Utility i.e. open Application > Utilities > Disk Utilities from Finder
From the Disk Utility application, select ‘New Image’ from the toolbar
Go to File> New> Blank Disk Image
Give a name to it and proceed
Save this file out, you can add compressing and encryption if you feel like, remembering that it will add to the compressing and decompression time. Compression is useful if you are short of space.
This process might take few hours but once done you can assure yourself that you have backed up all your user accounts and data.