When you download an application from internet, it gives a prompt to open or go to the website once the downloading is complete. Following this post you can get rid of annoying prompt.
Before I start I would rather recommend that if you are new to Mac don’t disable it unless you are well versed with the behavior of Mac Operating system and its functionality. If you are smart enough to manage, then lets move ahead. All you have to do is type the following command on terminal screen. defaults write com.apple.LaunchServices LSQuarantine -bool NO
This command stops the quarantine message that you get after downloading is complete. Activation and deactivation of this feature is almost same. All you have to do is change the last section of this command from ‘NO’ to ‘YES’, as mentioned below: defaults write com.apple.LaunchServices LSQuarantine -bool YES
I have tested this on two iMacs, please let me know if you face any issue is executing it.
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