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Showing posts with the label Mouse settings


How to increase the size of a mouse pointer Ever wished for a bigger cursor so that you can see it easily on the screen? Now, you can make you cursor larger and easier to be located on the desktop. In order to get this done, you have to: 1. Select System Preferences from the Apple menu. 2. Now select Universal Access . 3. Open Mouse & Trackpad and drag the Cursor Size slider to the right to make it larger. Now it should be visible without your specs too.


How to change the settings of the mouse 1. Go to System Preferences and open Keyboard & Mouse. 2. Select the tab that says Mouse.From here you can control mouse sensitivity as how fast the pointer moves across the monitor when you work or move the mouse, and adjust for your double-click reflexes. 3. If you want to control the speed of the mouse pointer across the screen when you move the mouse, you need to glide the Tracking Speed slider left which will slow it down or right to increase the speed. 4. In order to change the speed of a double click, move the slider 7 adjust to the level of your choice. 5. Now comes adjusting the scroll wheel (if you have it in your mouse) and this is also done in the same way, being controlled by the slider representing left to slow & right to fast. Mouse settings in Mac seems much easier in PC.


Enabling right click and coming back to control+click. In general, the mouse setting for a Mac mouse is made single click and for contextual menu it is ctrl+click. For the users switching from a Windows environment it is tough to work with one click and in general it is handy to work with one hand rather than using other hand to hold down control key. If we use the terms that Mac prefers, they call the single click button as Primary and the right click as Secondary button. In order to change it, follow these steps. a. Go to System Preferences and open Keyboard and Mouse. b. The selected drop down in blue is the option from where we can activate and deactivate the secondary button. We will talk about more settings of mouse in upcoming post.