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Showing posts with the label Microsoft Office 2004

Office for Mac files not showing in Spotlight

This problem might happen with any MS Office file. Some of the Mac users noticed that many of my Excel documents were not indexed as part of the Spotlight database; Spotlight search results for obviously-known content was coming up empty. The reason for this invisibility was that I still had Microsoft Office 2004 installed (some of the users keep this for macro compatibility), and when this happens, the old PowerPC version of Microsoft Office.mdimporter still sits in your ~/Library/Spotlight folder. Many mdworker console messages were indicating that only a PowerPC importer plug-in was found , thus many Office documents weren't getting indexed. The solution to this is to trash the PowerPC version of this file, and trash the /.Spotlight-V100 file, which forced a total re-indexing. The system then used the Intel version of the Spotlight importer, and all my Office documents are once again indexed.


How to fix the corrupted font cache In order to remove the corrupted cache font follow the steps mentioned below: 1. Open the following folder: Hard disk > Users > Username > Library > Preferences > Microsoft. 2. If you are working on Office 2004, drag the Office Font Cache (11) to the trash. Now launch Word to make sure whether the problem is resolved. If it is then it is really good, otherwise follow the next post.


How to fix font issues in MS-Office When you try to launch any MS-Office suite program or open a document for any of those program, a splash screen may appear, but then the program closes unexpectedly. This could happen if there is a damaged or an unsupported font in one of the Fonts folders on your computer. When a Microsoft Office 2004/2008 program starts, the program will try to read and to create an optimized list of the fonts available in the OS X. If the program finds a damaged font, the program may close unexpectedly. The following conditions can cause this problem to occur, once you identify it, you can follow upcoming posts to fix it: Duplicate font files. Corrupted Font Cache file. Corrupted font files and folders. In next few posts we will talk about fixing all the issues seperately. While any troubleshooting do not try to change any font folders that you find in the Mac OS X System folder.


Rebuild Entourage Database process (with images) SHORTCUT TO LAUNCH REBUILD DATABASE: Hold the Option key while launching Entourage. a. The other option to rebuild the database is to first close all the Microsoft applications. b. Launch Applications (Command+shift+A). c. Go to 'Microsoft Office 2004' then 'Office' and then open ' Database Utility '. d. Select Rebuild Database & click on Continue. e. If there is any MS office program running, it will give you a prompt to close it down. f. Once the rebuild process is complete, click on Done. g. Entourage will bring you back to the same window, this time click on Quit. Once this process is complete relaunch Entourage. For the very first time your Entourage might take long time depending on the size of your folders and database. Apple MacBook Pro MC026LL/A 15.4-Inch Laptop - The AMAZING MACHINE!!!


REBUILDING DATABASE SHORTCUT TO LAUNCH REBUILD DATABASE: Hold the Option key while launching Entourage. a. The other option to rebuild the database is to first close all the Microsoft applications. b. Launch Applications (Command+shift+A). c. Go to 'Microsoft Office 2004' then 'Office' and then open ' Database Utility '. d. Select Rebuild Database & click on Continue. e. If there is any MS office program running, it will give you a prompt to close it down. f. Once the rebuild process is complete, click on Done. g. Entourage will bring you back to the same window, this time click on Quit. Apple iLife '08 The Family Pack Get the deep insight of Blogging